Being successful in college is so much more than showing up to class and studying hard. In a recent article in eCampus News our own Cheryl Hyatt shines a light on the many complexities of college—especially for first-generation students. Hyatt writes,
“For those of us in higher education, access to college feels second nature. We are intimately acquainted with the ins and outs of the system. It can be challenging for us to step outside of our context enough to realize how opaque the process of applying for, matriculating within, studying for, and graduating from college can be.
Each step along the way is replete with protocols and decisions. These are stressful for any student and their family. Those headaches are amplified when the student is the first person in their family to attend college.”
The addition of a dedicated role to empower students to successfully traverse the college landscape can make a pivotal difference. Hyatt proposes that academic navigators are a key investment in student success. Read her entire article here.