Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer. The summer months are often more relaxed around college campuses, allowing space for reflection and summer planning. The altered pace can also lull us into inactivity. Don’t wait until half-way through the summer to take the steps to make the 2022–2023 academic year a success.
Before planning any initiatives or setting benchmarks, it’s essential that you have your team in place. Create an inventory of your important hires. Prepare a shortlist of your most essential positions to fill. Without these key players, your success for the next year could be in jeopardy.
Once you’ve taken stock, set a time for a planning conversation with the team at Hyatt-Fennell.
We can help you fill those positions you’ve named—and identify some you may not have thought of. We are in your corner and ready to help. Reach out today to avoid an emergency and build success for the year ahead.