During a job search, you spend a lot of time imagining your dream job. When an ideal position pops up, how can you know if it’s a legitimate opportunity or a carefully contrived scam? Job scams cost unwary job seekers billions of dollars each year. Jack Kelly writes in Forbes,

“In a challenging economy, these scammers prey on the vulnerability of workers. With money tight, due to high inflation and soaring costs, many people are vulnerable to getting caught up in flimflam operations. The scammers know how to come across as sincere and promise much-needed money quickly by impersonating well-known companies. Those responding to hundreds of job ads without any luck are susceptible to falling for get-rich-quick schemes.

Several types of job scams commonly trap unwitting job hunters. These shakedowns include fake job postings, work-from-home scams, interview and government frauds.”

Read Kelly’s advice for warning signs to watch for here.