Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the workforce. How can you leverage AI in your job search—and when should you be cautious? Korn Ferry has provided a helpful overview of using AI in the job search. One obvious place to deploy AI is on cover letters:

“When it comes to artificial intelligence and job-hunting, you might think of it as using AI to write a résumé or ChatGPT for cover letters. And that is, certainly, a useful application for candidates—especially those working outside of their native language—as such tools sharpen these critical documents to an eye-catching standard.

And job-hunters don’t even have to use ChatGPT directly. ‘For individuals who aren’t comfortable using AI themselves,’ notes De La Vega, “countless organizations out there are now offering AI résumé help.”

They caution that AI should enhance your natural voice—not replace it with something that doesn’t reflect you. Read their entire summary here.