Far too many colleges are cavalier with applicants, neglecting basic courtesy and professionalism after candidates have invested time and energy into applying, interviewing, and visiting campus. Not only is this unethical, but it can have far-reaching effects for a college’s reputation. In a recent article in Inside Higher Ed, Richard Utz shares his own experience of a positive campus visit, followed by disorganized and unprofessional emails. He relates,

“an automated HR message addressed to ‘Dear Applicant’ notified me that the job would ‘not be filled at this time.’

Two days later, I received a message from the search chair. It didn’t address me by name either, bcc’d as it was to all four finalists, but it greeted us with a sunshiny ‘Good afternoon.’ It thanked ‘me’ for ‘my’ interest in the position, informed ‘me’ that a new provost would reevaluate matters, and explained that was why ‘the search has been failed’ (sic). These two messages summed up an almost complete failure of professional communication and collegial courtesy in the aftermath of my visit.”

Read his recommendations for how colleges can do better here.