With age comes perspective and wisdom. There is so much we can learn from those who have reached life’s 100 year milestone. Bennett Kleinman recently compiled quotes from centenarians. Here are a few of our favorites that demonstrate how dedication, civility, humility, and humor never go out of style.

  • “A good idea is to behave well to other people, show them respect, and help them as much as you possibly can, and it will be repaid hundredfolds.” —Emilia Harper
  • “I still work. Of course it’s not a paid job, it’s volunteer … and that fills my life, because it’s giving me something that I can find pleasure in doing that I know is of value to others.” —Margaret Madeline
  • “Be as independent as you can, but don’t be reluctant to ask for help when you think you need it.” —Cliff Crozier
  • “Remember, plenty of laughter, but no shouting.” —Yvonne Old