Whether you’re packing your carry-on for a work conference or beach bag for family vacation, we have our annual list of books that will engage your mind and benefit your career. This summer’s Hyatt-Fennell reading list has something for everyone!

1. Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot by Matt Abrahams. Develop the life-changing ability to excel in spontaneous communication situations—from public speaking to interviewing to networking—with these essential strategies from a Stanford lecturer, coach, and podcast host. Communication skills are fundamental to every endeavor. Increase your effectiveness through this high-caliber read.

2. What If There’s More? Finding Significance Beyond Success by Traci Schubert Barrett. What happens when you wake up and realize the good fortune, status, and accolades for which you’ve worked so hard have left you overburdened and burned out? As a founding member of the launch team for HGTV, media executive Traci Barrett had enjoyed the exciting ride of taking a promising idea and turning it into a billion-dollar media empire. But nearly two decades later, success was no longer the beacon it once was. This book will realign you to what matters and propel your career forward.

3. Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams by Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink. As a result of global economic changes, new technologies, and increased competition, business environments are becoming increasingly turbulent and unpredictable, requiring new forms of resilient work teams. This book will give you actionable steps you can take now to strengthen your team and improve outcomes.

4. Things I Learned from Falling by Claire Nelson. In 2018, writer Claire Nelson made international headlines when she fell over 25 feet after wandering off the trail in a deserted corner of Joshua Tree. The fall shattered her pelvis, rendering her completely immobile. There Claire lay for the next four days, surrounded by boulders that muffled her cries for help, but exposed her to the relentless California sun above. Her rescuers had not expected to find her alive. A summer reading list is not complete without a memoir. This book will inspire you and remind you that the irrepressible human spirit can accomplish astounding things.

Share your reading recommendation with us in the comments below!