Our team at Hyatt-Fennell Executive Search has helped with many college presidential searches. Through that work, we have read countless presidential job descriptions. Yet, we know that a leader is more than just an inventory of qualifications and skills. It is an outlook. Here are three questions the presidential mindset asks.

• What can I accomplish? One of the key shifts of the presidential mindset is to stop thinking “what do I have to get done?” and consider “what can I undertake?” What do you want to pursue? Lift your eyes from your current task to see the wider picture—and your place in it.

• What serves the organization? Individuals seek to advance themselves. Leaders seek to advance their institution. A presidential mindset invests in the greater good. They are willing to extend themselves to help the organization at large.

• How can I invest in others? Leaders care about the success of everyone in their organization. They also understand that the long-term success of their institution depends on succession planning and raising up the next generation of leaders. The presidential mindset takes the long view and supports others at all levels of their institution. 

If you want to grow your leadership mindset and skills, consider leadership coaching from our team at Hyatt-Fennell Executive Search—a team that includes four former college presidents. We will pair you with a coach who can help you clarify your goals, assess your opportunities, and unleash your potential. Reach out today to learn more.