Energized Innovation. The pandemic introduced profound stress into higher education, just as it did for the rest of the world. Stress can be a catalyst for growth. Phil Greenwald, President of Mid-America Christian University, reflected, “In the coming years we will learn so much about a generation of students whose recent academic and social experience was consumed by the pandemic. There will be challenges and opportunities that arise because of the cultural shifts and changes that have occurred. I’m excited to see where this leads us and how we can be engaged in new ways of thinking and learning.”
Connecting Communities. The isolation brought by COVID-19 awakened an even deeper appreciation for the importance of community. Dr. Stefanie Niles, President of Cottey College, notes that colleges have unique opportunities to strengthen their ties to other organizations in their regions. She shares, “I am working to set up meetings with individuals throughout the Nevada community to learn how we can enhance our relationship with the city. Cottey is an institution full of traditions, and I’m excited to become immersed in this special place and community.”
What are you looking forward to in the coming year? We’d love to hear how you are growing and the ways we can support you in the 2022–2023 academic year! Regardless of what the year holds, we are in your corner. Feel free to reach out today.